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Hurricanes Are Unpredictable. Your Protection Shouldn’t Be.

Don’t let a storm catch you off guard. Make sure you have the right insurance for your needs.

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Completely cover your home - inside and out

Building Protection

If a covered incident occurs, your policy pays to repair or rebuild your home and any attached structures like your garage or garden walls. It’s important to reevaluate your policy regularly to avoid being underinsured.

Example: Your roof caves in due to a windstorm and destroys your kitchen. We will pay for the repair of your roof and kitchen, up to your policy limits.

Contents Protection

Contents insurance will help you to repair or replace items that have been damaged or lost due to an insured event. This cover is recommended for both renters and homeowners.

Example: A fire damages your stove, kitchen table, refrigerator, and more. We will pay to repair or replace the items damaged in the fire up to your policy limits.

Loss of Rent and Alternative Accommodation Costs

If you are unable to live in your home due to an insured event, your policy will pay for you, your family and your pets to stay elsewhere whilst it is being repaired. If the house was rented out, cover is provided for lost rental income.

Example: A tree falls on your home and causes structural damage. We will pay for your hotel until repairs are completed, subject to your policy limits.

Liability Cover

Liability cover pays for expenses related to damage or injuries that you or your family member have caused to others while they are on your property.

Example: A mail carrier falls on your porch and injures themself. If you're found to be liable for the injury, we will cover the resulting costs up to your policy limits.

Is Your Home at Risk Due to Underinsurance?

Before & after the storm, we are here for you with prep for the storms ahead.


1 gallon per person, per day

Useful Tools

Non-perishable foods

Sanitation items


Copies of personal information

Battery powered or hand-crank radios

Cell phones with chargers

Extra batteries

Fuel for generators or automobiles

First aid kit

Personal hygiene items


Extra cash

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